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标签:知音,答案,培训,先生,口语,展望   发布时间:2024年04月25日   点击79

T1 自力口语

When you are in need for information, which following access do you prefer? Asking help from instructors or using books and the internet. Please use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Do you prefer to finish your work once you get them (as soon as possible) or to wait to do it in the last minute. Why? Please use specific reasons and examples to support your response. 

Some people believe that it is better for small children to grow up in a small town. Others, however, believe that it’s better for them to grow up in a big city. Which do you think is better?

Some people like to go straight to the destination to see the view while traveling. Other people prefer to enjoy the scenery along the way. Which do you prefer and why? 

Some people prefer to wash dishes with dishwasher, others prefer to wash dishes by hands. Which way do you prefer? Please explain the reasons. 

T2 校园场景

阅读——门生建议university专门设计一个schedule供同窗们分批搬入student housing,理由1:如许可以错峰搬迁,避免拥堵;理由2:早搬完的同窗可以作为自愿者帮助晚搬的同窗。

听力:女同窗透露表现赞成。理由1:在她所住的old building中只有一部电梯,她在搬入的时候有好多行李要搬,别人也一样,所以等电梯等了几十分钟。理由2:她认为本身偶然间搜索引擎优化排名,乐意报名,由于通过帮助别人可以结识新的同伙。

T3 学术义务(1)

Incremental Persuasion

When persuading, do so one small step at a time. Get them to agree to a small point. Then get agreement on a further smaller point. Then another and another until you have got them to your final destination. Make each small point very easy to accept and as logical as possible so they cannot really object to it.


Incrementalism works in many different places. For example if you're seeking information, ask for a little at a time. It can be effective if you ask different people, as this allows you to gather a lot of knowledge without appearing to be particularly acquisitive. You can also get a lot done by asking for small favors. Paradoxically, this can lead people to feel they should do more for you.

T4 学术义务(2)

cultural novelty(文化外来物)无法被当地文化接受的两个缘故原由。

当某地方出现了一个从别处来的文化征象时广告策划,这种东西叫做cultural novelty。但是偶然它并不能顺利融入到当地文化中去。缘故原由有二:

1.制作这种cultural novelty的质料在当地没有。比如浙江人事考试网首页,从外埠传来了一种汤,但是制作这种汤的质料在当地找不到,因此这种汤无法成为当地食谱的一部分。
